Adopt* Your Own Narwhal
Community Fundraising
Each year, our company allocates a budget to support community activities through contributions. We are pleased to do our part to assist your organization’s programs.
Al Rubin Memorial Crawfish Boil
Join us on May 19th at our Streets of St. Charles location for the best authentic boil this side of the Big Easy as we’re suckin’ heads to raise money for prostate cancer research.
Reserve your tableGiving Back
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Donation Request
Profit Shares
You turn your group on to Narwhal’s, we get to support a good cause – it’s a Win-Win! If you are raising money for a charitable cause and want to have a good time doing it let us know. Space is limited.
Schedule yourProfit Share

This is one of our other favorite ways to support charitable endeavors in our communities. Requests are evaluated on a merit basis, since we do get a lot.
Donation RequestFrequent Questions
How can we help?
I’m gluten free, is there anything I should avoid?
We use a lot of fresh fruits/juices and house-infused syrups in our frozen cocktails, but typically all of the ingredients we use in our cocktails are gluten free. As for the spirits involved, our whiskeys, vodkas, and gins are distilled from grain, however, the distillation process removes the associated gluten ( We do rotate our menu often, and some of our specialty seasonal cocktails do contain gluten in the recipe or garnish, so please check with a bartender or email us at if you have serious concerns so that we can thoroughly address them.
- Mondays - $6 Draft Cocktails
- Tuesdays - “Tequila Tuesday” 25% Off all tequila-based cocktails.
- Wednesday – Extra $2 Off Flights (i.e. $12 Flight of the Narwhal)
- Thursday – Extra $1 Off (i.e. $3 off total) our Seasonal Frozen Cocktails
- Fridays - “Fishbowl Friday” $20 40oz Fishbowls (plus an extra $5 if you’re refilling!)